I'm glad I remembered Helya's podcast this morning. Water truly is a revelation and I needed that reminder today. I'm a little foggy-headed and lethargic, just as the handy timeline says I will be. But I'm excited to be so open about my food plan, hearing from friends on facebook, and full of positive intention. I am told this will wane, but whatever, I'm just going to stay in today.
Last night was a major victory. I cooked dinner. I had ingredients and an idea in my head and I cooked it - basically made up from the mental reserve of years of watching my mother cook and marathoning Chopped as I fall asleep. I made a very simple turkey chilli, bare-bones, if you will.
- 1.25lb lean ground turkey
- 1 green pepper
- 1/2 white onion
- 3 tomatoes
- 1/2 can Goya coconut milk
- 2tbs EVOO
- 1-2tsp garlic
- Spices: sea salt; fresh ground pepper; oregano; cumin; basil; parsley; arrowroot; Mrs. Dash no salt added Garlic & Herb; Lowry's seasoned salt (the last 2 are totally optional and I only used because I was worried it'd be too bland - I don't have a firm grasp on seasoning - yet!)
One skillet:
- Dice pepper and onion
- Put EVOO and garlic in hot skillet
- Add pepper first; Cook for 1-2 minutes
- Add onion, oregano and cumin; Cook for 2-3 minutes.
- Add ground turkey; use wood spoon to cut up as it cooks; the color change/ cooking of the turkey is a good indicator of how long to cook
One small pot:
- Put 1/2 can of coconut milk to start.
- Add diced tomatoes
- Add arrowroot, liberally
- Add oregano, parsley, basil, cumin, salt, pepper, etc.
- Stir, letting the arrowroot help it thicken and come together
Drain the turkey skillet then add tomato cream sauce once turkey is cooked through. Let it simmer for a few minutes and then it's done! Makes 4-5 servings.
Drink water. Eat well. Enjoy life. I'm trying to keep it simple.