What is an Equinox?
An Equinox occurs twice a year, in September and March, when the tilt of the Earth’s axis and Earth’s orbit around the sun combine in such a way that the axis is inclined neither away from nor toward the sun.
Earth’s two hemispheres are receiving the sun’s rays about equally around equinox-time. The sun is overhead at noon as seen from the equator. Night and day are approximately equal in length.
Important things to note:
Today, Mercury is out of Retrograde! (We made it!)
Until December's Winter Solstice, the days will get shorter, with the Solstice typically being the shortest day of the year.
"Equinox" is derived from the Latin "equi", meaning equal, and "nox", meaning night. This implies an equal amount of daylight and nighttime, however, that will not actually happen until September 25, 2016.
This morning of the Equinox, the Sun enters Libra - the sign of equal scales
This is a time of balance.
It has been a Spring and Summer of tumult, pressure, and/or simply too many overlapping plans and crossed wires. The high energies of Leo in late July and August creates a charged atmosphere that tends to be unsustainable. Now we are shifting to Libra, sweet, calming, Libra.
In simpler terms - now we get to catch our breath. We can de-cluttering our space, set sanity-saving intentions for holidays, make our homes more cozy, and connect to the real moments of this season.
It is NOT a rush to New Years Resolutions and sometimes I get caught up in that. I can't wait to plan for the BEST YEAR EVER. I get so caught up in how to celebrate my way while also honoring family and cultural traditions. I want to listen to Emo music and get reeeeaaaalllyy nostalgic - while that isn't usually the best route to peace and finding joy. All of these things are okay - but there needs to be balance.
I will let go and acknowledge impermance. I will appreciate nature and act with integrity. I will savor the time before snow rather than living in fear of what winter will bring. I spend too much time outside of the moments and I'm really looking forward to this fall so that I can be conscious of my choices and take part in this season.
Rituals for the Equinox
Connect with the harvest (apple picking, baking pies, carving pumpkins, creating that perfect fall tablescape). Interact with nature (string leaves for your hearth, go for a hike, have a bonfire or an autumn-y 'one last barbeque, instagram that leaf!). Set mantras, intentions, or prayers for the soul focus you want for your season. Light candles, burn sage, do a tarot spread with your housemates (my preferred celebratory ritual).
From pumpkin spice lattes to crystal grids and door blessings - find the way you connect with autumn the best, bring awareness and gratitude to it, and indulge in it.
THINGS TO DO IN DC for the Equinox: