My strange good luck charm is my PHONE WALLPAPER.
When I'm im in need of an emotional shift or support - I'll change my phone background around to suit where my head is at.
If I choose one that lasts a long time or through something significant -- the galaxy print that traveled with me through Europe; the Danielle LaPorte mantra "Vitality is your natural state" that pulled me through a difficult fall/winter; and currently a pop-art pic of Baddie Winkle helping gain personal momentum -- I notice it takes on stronger meaning.
I begin to associate these wallpapers with whatever energy I'm moving through or toward. Currently pop-art Baddie Winkle is reminding me to stay true to myself and be bold in my creative energies - she is proof that that works - and that's definitely good luck.
I don't know if you can imbue something to be lucky or not - but noticing the association is key. For instance, in trying to be intentional - I thought a retro bin to collect change in my room stating "the art of making money plenty" was the perfect lucky charm for my wealth corner but it didn't work. I wanted it to cultivate something but it didn't. I am still many pence none-the-richer. So try, try again.
Noticing things that are already working seems to help more than forcing luck or energy shifts to happen.
I love the 'lucky charm' concept and I'll definitely keep my eyes peeled for more. All the best to my fellow Happier listeners. x/Amy