Growing love and creativity is important work.
Since April 10th when I started my Miracle Workers prep work I have physically written 100 pages. I started a new website ( I had a Mercury-in-retrograde 2 week funk where I bailed on plans and on myself. I realized community is everywhere. I signed up for an extensive yoga and soul-searching course in my town. I got a new social media marketing client (Stephanie Sheridan). I introduced my bf to some of my family and realized how deeply I’m falling for him. I continued to process the loss of my family homes and what impermanence and growing up really mean. I’ve almost finished Russell Brand’s book and ordered Gala’s book on radical self-love. I reorganized my room. I’ve decided to go on a shopping fast and successfully did 7 days without caffeine!
I think, for me, some of what the miracle is is how I’ve moved forward in my thinking and ability to see the positive. Instead of - ‘Shit! I dropped out of life for 2 weeks! - I can see, instead, how much I really have done (in under 2 months!).
I’m also learning how much distraction and multitasking hinder me. Detaching from my phone might be a ways off/ never happen, but studying my tactics (my practice in overwhelming myself) has been really eye-opening. I work really hard MOST of the time. I will not let ‘perfect’ be the enemy of my ‘good’.
I am learning that all happiness is is gratitude. I am learning that all worry is is control, not practicing acceptance, and the inversion of excitement. I’ve learned I just have to get what’s in my head out, that morning pages can be blog posts, that I have a voice and I must honor it. Also, I’ve learned that working on core values doesn’t mean surrendering to the trite or limiting. For me, growing love and creativity is important work. I spent decades growing social competition, aggression, sarcasm, fear, standards imparted by others, pressure, and demands toward larger-scale, unworkable concepts. Right now growing love and creativity IS my challenge and if Miracle Workers has taught me anything it’s that my career, subsequently, WILL follow suit.